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What follows in the pages ahead is the competitive advantage you have been searching for. Let's take a few things as assumptions. You already have a great product. Clearly, in today's competitive business environment, there is no substitute for excellence of product, executive leadership and staffing, as well as providing top-notch customer care. That's all the price of admission to the business ballpark. This book starts assuming those are in place. If they're not, put this book down and go back to the beginning. If they are, let's move forward.

Consider this the new marketing of the 21st century

Every company wants to do the same thing. Build a good strong name, sell lots of goods or services and future proof the company. Future proofing your company means building a company name that allows you to immediately put a new product on the shelves and have people buy it because they trust the name. Nike has done their job well. They built the name with lots of great image ads, however very few actually focus on a specific shoe or product. While Nike has done it with big ad spending another shoe company has done it without the big media buys. Toms, the start up shoe company who basically took Asian workers soft shoes and put them on the feet of men and women in some of the most trendy and fashionable neighborhoods in America, selling them for $40 and up a pair. We hear this about Toms all the time: "I don't wear these shoes because they look beautiful or they are the best things for my feet. I wear them because I like what the company is about." Basically consumers feel good about the fact that they have a pair or Toms on their feet. Why? Because the shoes are a symbol of good social conscience and people are proud to display the symbol. Toms tiny ad campaign has been based on their corporate giving program- a pair of shoes to a kid who would otherwise not have shoes for every pair you buy. One for one.

People will support your company if they really know you're doing the right thing. That's what a successful corporate image is about for the future. And the world is watching and talking about you if you do the right thing. That's the best advertising you can hope for. But guess what. The world is also watching if you do the wrong thing. And that news spreads just as fast or faster.

This is the future of marketing, so embrace it and create a sustainable image, brand and company. The world is heading in this direction. Companies that do not follow along will be guilty of marketing malpractice.


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Matt Flannery, Co-founder and CEO, Kiva

Corporate Social responsibility works when it is deeply ingrained in the culture and highly connected to the strategy of a company. This is not easy to do, but pays huge rewards for both the company, and society over the long term. Global Cause Marketing provides a game-plan for any company -- whether big or small – to make this happen.

Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, 2000-2006

The Principles Global Cause Marketing teaches will help you get the most out of life and work. The future of business is headed in this direction and I suggest you get on board.

Dan Zigulich, VP, Global Creative Marketing, Payless ShoeSource

As I watch the next generation of consumers evolve it is so very apparent that there is a significantly increased interest is developing brand loyalty toward brands/companies that have a conscience. Global Cause Marketing captures the essence of this movement and shines a light on understanding the how's and why's. It's a great thought piece as well as a fantastic practical tool.

Sam Caster, Founder, Mannatech and MannaRelief

This is a practical guide that demonstrates that success – and significance – is measured as much by what we contribute to the world around us as by what we gain in money, titles and belongings.

Dr. John C. Maxwell, Founder, The INJOY Group

Peter and Bob have opened the door for thousands of people to enter into success. They will inspire you to live every day with passion as you embrace your purpose.

Dr. Denis Waitley, Author, Seeds of Greatness

Peter and Bob show us how to let go, and let God change the meaning of our lives by design, rather than delusion.

Rudy Ruettiger, Inspiration behind the film, Rudy

Peter and Bob’s teachings are stimulating and inspiring. They will encourage and excite you to the point of action. 

Molly Bedingfield Founder and CEO, Global Angels Foundation and The Global Angel Awards

It's time for individuals and companies to be Game Changers in the way they do business. Global Cause Marketing gives key insights encouraging businesses to be thought leaders and heroes by giving back in an authentic and dynamic ways that connect with today's socially conscious consumers. Thank you Peter and Bob for your inspiration and helping change the course of history through your message. 

Michael King, Former CEO, KingWorld 

Peter & Bob have written a great book showing the tremendous impact a company can have on our communities, and grow their business at the same time. It's a win-win philosophy ... building your professional career by doing good! How can it get any better than that... the answer is it can't.